Top-50 exercises for the muscles of the abdomen: lose weight and tighten the press

Dream of losing weight in the belly, to get rid of its sides, and reduce the size? Start to do exercises for a flat stomach at home today! For the work of the abdominals, you will need a minimum of inventory and a little space in the room.

We offer you a selection of quality exercises for the muscles of the abdomen, which is guaranteed to help you tighten up the press and get rid of the fat from the waist.


quality selection exercises for the muscles of the stomach

Before moving on to a series of exercises for the belly in the home, it should be noted that the weight loss comes only when you consume food less than the body is able to pass on the energy (that is eat in a caloric deficit). If you do not observe the dietary restrictions, and then the layer of fat will not decrease, even with the daily exercises of abdominal muscles.

Therefore, for an effective weight-loss in the area of the abdomen to the importance of three factors:

  • The deficit in calories and a good diet
  • Workout to tone the muscles of the abdomen
  • Cardio to burn fat


  1. If you want to get a flat stomach in a short time, then your workout should include cardio exercise to burn fat and exercises to tone the muscles of the abdomen. Therefore, the workout plan for a flat stomach can be divided into two parts: cardio-training (15-20 minutes) and exercise for the whole corset of muscle (15-20 minutes). The second part includes exercises for the stomach, on the back, standing in a strap – on your discretion. It is desirable that the exercise program was also diverse.
  2. The total time of such a whole of exercises for the belly is 30-40 minutes, you need to do 2-3 times per week. Of course, you can train more often or less often depending on your goals and issues.
  3. Before the formation of the abdomen it is desirable to perform the workout, after the workout – perform stretching.
  4. If you want to lose weight in the stomach quickly, it is always better to focus on cardio workouts. It is always more efficient to burn fat than simply download press. Make sure you look at our loan cardio-exercise to lose weight.
  5. To best burn fat on the belly it is also desirable to increase the days of the activity: the more you walk, do the walk regular, less use of public transport, choose activities on the weekend. Popular modern gadgets, which enable them to monitor the activity of the day, can become your good helper in this case. For example, a fitness bracelet.
  6. For some of the exercises on the muscles of the belly, you will need a dumbbell. If you want, you can replace it with plastic bottles of water or sand. Among the useful of fitness of the inventory to the loss of weight in the stomach is also to be noted on the exercise ball and weights.
  7. Contrary to the belief of the confusion, the drive in movies will not help you to lose weight more quickly in the region of the stomach. In addition, this practice results in a pressure on the heart, and reduction of fat of a body, the film is not affected at all.


The exercises are taken over the choices presented below. Can alternate the exercises, reorder them or add new ones.

  • Cardio exercises (15-20 minutes): 5 years on the scheme of 30 seconds of work – 30 seconds rest or 45 seconds of work 15 seconds of rest, repeat the exercise 3 of the circle, between the circles 1 to 2 minutes of rest.
  • The standing exercises + exercises on back (10-12 minutes): 8-10 of the exercise by a scheme of 40 seconds work – 20 seconds rest and 50 seconds work – 10 seconds of rest. After each fourth and fifth year, you can take a short break.
  • Belt + exercise lying on stomach (10-12 minutes): 8-10 of the exercise by a scheme of 40 seconds work – 20 seconds rest and 50 seconds work – 10 seconds of rest. After each fourth and fifth year, you can take a short break.


Cardio-exercises for abdominal muscles will help you burn more calories, speed up the metabolism, start the process of burning fat and strengthen your abdominal muscles. Cardio exercise is best done with pauses, for example, 30 seconds of intensive work + 30 seconds rest (or tabata), it will help you to hold a training session much more effective.

If you have any counter-indications on the health, simply follow the exercises without jumping and running, while trying to maintain a high speed. For example, instead of the year - "Horizontal running" just pull your knees up to your chest in the position of the belt.


The most common exercises for a flat stomach are considered as the exercise lying on back – up options, twists and turns, climbs up the legs, pulling up of knees to chest, etc., the Advantage of these exercises is that they help to purge target the muscles of the abdomen (direct and oblique), and therefore, making your tummy flat and in shape. In the course of the year on the back, your belly must be pulled up and the back against the floor. Do not bend the back, tear off the bottom of the back of the ground and make sudden movements, otherwise there is a risk of injury. Try to pull your belly button towards your spine and perform gentle exercises, and thoughtful.

Please also note that these exercises for a flat tummy must be handled with care, if you have problems with the spine. A variety of options, twists and turns give the load on the back and the lower back, so that these exercises for the stomach, can cause pain or discomfort in this region of the body. If you experience painful sensations during the exercise for the belly, on the back, it is best to temporarily not to practice. Replace the exercises for the belly standing and laths (which we'll discuss below). After the muscle-building corset in these exercises, you can come back.

  1. Twist
  2. Twist with a touch of foot to ground
  3. By pulling one knee to chest
  4. Touch the ankles
  5. Torsion bars of the leg
  6. Double twist
  7. Scissors
  8. Bike
  9. Bike with long kicks
  10. The lifting of the foot
  11. The circular rotation of the feet
  12. Boat
  13. Russian rotation


Planck – one of the best exercises for a flat tummy. It allows not only to serve the direct and the oblique, but to strengthen the entire corset muscle complete.

  1. Belt
  2. Strap on the elbows
  3. Walking in the bar
  4. Touch the shoulders to the belt
  5. Twists and turns in the bar
  6. The rotation of the hands in the bar
  7. The rise of hands in the bar
  8. Samples of the feet in the bar
  9. The spider
  10. Side planck
  11. The twist in the sidebar
  12. Samples of the feet in the back of the belt


An excellent alternative to the more traditional exercises for the stomach on the floor are exercises that are performed in a standing position. During the execution of these exercises, less risk of a poor back position, which means less risk of injury and exacerbations. To begin with, not necessarily to perform exercises with dumbbells, you can start to exercise without equipment.

  1. Touch the elbow to the knee
  2. Raise the legs
  3. Free your body with dumbbells
  4. Side-to-side twist with a dumbbell
  5. The slopes with weights on the ground
  6. Slopes position on the squat
  7. The slopes with a dumbbell in the direction of
  8. Rotation with attack
  9. By pulling one knee to chest
  10. Mill


This is another group of powerful exercises for the muscles of the belly. In running, you'll also strengthen the muscles of the back and kidneys, which is a good prevention of the pain in the spine and help improve posture.

  1. Superman
  2. Superman simplified
  3. Superman, with divorced hands
  4. Swimmer
  5. Hunting dog